Products photography


Photographers in SeeSee Studio are specialists in the field of product photography.

In general the purpose of product photos can be divided into two categories:

  • Catalog images or product photos made in a bright, even background
  • Mood pictures – photos of the products that are skilfully placed in a suitable environment

Photos of products with white or other neutral backgrounds are suitable for catalogs to have a main focus on the product, without a destructing background. Neutral background is good for products that are full of details that need to be shown. Usually we take photos of small products in the studio, and for large size products, if needed, we come to the customer,


Photo style will will transmit an emotion to a potential customer.

This kind of photos are especially good when a certain emotion is needed to make customer to buy a product. Examples of products: luxury goods, food, sweets and clothing.

Please, note, that emotional product photos require more time to make them apart from catalog photos with neutral backgrounds.

Re-touching of product photos

Taking the photo of the product is only a small part of the whole process. Photo post-production takes the most of the time. Often there is a need to hide some product imperfections which you can see at a close-up image or, if needed, some parts of the product can be highlighted. This can be done in post-processing, but it takes time.

If you plan to order product photos, consider the following:

  • Are the products taken in a studio or at customer´s place?
  • Do you make emotional photos or photos with neutral backgrounds?
  • Where are you going to use product photos (e.g., a directory, website)?
  • The product should be clean and to have a representative look
© SeeSee OÜ
Tallinn, Estonia
+372 6864111
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